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Tom & Julie are both blind from type 1 diabetes, and have been since their early 20's. They have many medical complications as a result but remain wonderful examples of positivity, perserverance, and patience.


At this point, Tom has had diabetes for 48 years and Julie for 52. As the disease progresses, it becomes harder to detect the symptoms of blood sugar swings since the disease itself decreases the bodies sensitivity to symptoms. There are many tools out there with modern technology to help people with diabetes regulate the disease. Due to their blindness, none of these solutions will work effectively for them. 


Tom & Julie have researched other options and found a diabetic service dog to be the best fit for their situation. The dog will be scent trained to detect the signs of blood sugar swings, high or low. Symptoms of low blood sugar level include clamy skin, unsteadiness, confusion, passing out, seizures, coma, and even death. Frequent high blood sugars can cause damage to nerves, blood vessels, and organs.


While Julie primarily needs this dog, it will work for Tom as well. This dog is extremely important in assuring Julie (and Tom) is safe at home or out alone. 

They are asking for your help and support to make this happen. Your participation will help them continue to live safely and independently for many years to come.



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